SEO and Backlinks

So now you have picked out your niche and your on-page SEO is great. The only thing left to do is to show the search engines that your site is worth putting on the first page of the search results. You see, the search engines think of the ranking of websites as a sort of game of popularity. Whichever site is the most popular gets ranked. It’s really that simple. So, what ways do you think could notify them that your site is popular? If you haven’t noticed the title of this page, then I’ll tell you now… it’s with backlinks. These come from other people with websites referring back to your website as a resource for more information. Also, backlinks come from social media sites and image embeds. There are varying degrees of importance when gaining these links but I’ll outline them in this page for you.

SEO and Backlink Quality

Which do you think would be a better backlink for SEO purposes when it comes to automotive repair? A link from a blog about animals or a link from an auto parts store? Hopefully you picked the latter. Relevant backlinks are more important than non-relevant ones. Furthermore, authority backlinks have more of a significant impact than non-authority backlinks. To illustrate, imagine your friend owns a blog about movies. They don’t have any real followers who subscribe to their blog and they get about one hundred visitors per month. They have three other domains pointing to their blog. You call them and see if you can get a backlink from them because you think it will help your SEO efforts only to realize that three months later nothing happens. This is because their blog is not an AUTHORITY and it has little to no relevance to your niche.

What you really want are authority backlinks from sites with thousands, if not millions of links. They are harder to get and this is the one thing that all internet marketers are after. There are so many ways to try and cheat the system with SEO, but I won’t recommend any of them. The best thing that you can do is create some really compelling content and share it on social networks. That way your friends repost it, and their friends do the same, and at least your information is OUT THERE to be found by someone who MIGHT link to your site. I’ve had this happen and it boosted one of my sites to page one in about a week.

SEO and Quantity of Backlinks

Getting authority websites to link back to your website is extremely challenging and is a nice bonus when it happens. You can’t rely on that alone though. A good thing to do that you might try is searching for relevant blogs that allow commenting. I do this with all of my newer sites that are not ranking yet. Just type whatever term you wish to rank for and then type blog at the end in the search bar. You’ll find a few sites that actually allow you to comment and link back to your site. This is one of the most common ways that people do SEO. Some people tend to overuse this technique, so don’t do that. Keep it minimal until your site is established. Don’t go overboard in your early search engine optimization efforts by creating hundreds of links a week or anything.

In the end, the website with the most relevant content (on-page SEO) and the largest amount of relevant authority backlinks gets the top spot on the search engines. If you think about SEO like that, then it’s actually quite easy. It just takes a REALLY long time to acquire as many backlinks as you will need to rank in Google, Bing, Yahoo, and the other search engines out there. Don’t get discouraged though. Remember most people quit anything when there isn’t an immediate result. If everyone could do it, they would. You have to stay disciplined and come up with some sort of schedule that you can stick to. Then, just rinse and repeat and your SEO efforts will add up over time. Best of luck!